Friday, January 15, 2010

This is a link for making payments for the 2014 Soil Food Web
course with Elaine Ingham from March 17-21. 
Your Email from should have payment amount.
(Healthcare Charities is the umbrella org for GreenFriends Farm at M.A. Center)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Century-old fruit trees

At 3000' in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains there once were gold mining towns of 2,000-4,000 people scattered throughout the hills. These towns had orchards to feed the people apples, pears, plums, cherries, and figs.

100 years later, the people are gone, few structures remain... But scattered throughout the area, hundreds of these trees remain. Today, Michael Flynn had the good fortune to tour the area with Amigo Bob, a long time leader in the organic movement and a dedicated fruit historian.

What does this have to do with Fruit Tree Tour?

We cut scion from these old trees and Common Vision will be propogating hundreds of trees to plant at schools across northern California. From the oldest trees in the United States of these varieties to the youngest fruit tree planters in the state, Common Vision is honored to be a bridge for this history and sweet fruit.

The 100+ year cherry tree with a rainbow behind is one of these grandma trees we climbed today.