If the signs are any indication, it’s going to be a fruity future at Palms Elementary in Los Angeles. On our stop there this season, we planted nine new fruit trees and mulched the heck out of the orchard. Thank you to all of our donors who sponsored the art supplies that the kids used to make signs showing what’s what in their new school orchard.
Here’s what Clémence Gossett, the garden program director Palms Elementary had to say when she wrote to us after our visit:
"Thank you so very, very much for bringing your kindness, energy and expertise to Palms this Monday. Our garden is vibrant and nourished thanks to your help. Your volunteers were beyond wonderful. Their enthusiasm and patience with the students was appreciated by our friends, teachers and students. This was truly an experience that will keep on giving! Please forward this email to your volunteers. You can follow our gardens’ progress on Facebook."
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